

Real Estate Communications - We Talk Property

We are a leading communications agency for the property industry, and our team has been providing creative ideas
and tailored service packages for more than three decades.

We give our customers specialist expertise and tailored solutions.

30 creative minds and...

issues of Immobilien Magazin
event photos
dog treats
ideas realised

Our services

You bring the product – we deliver the rest.

Good work is priceless. Discover our services here:

Strategic consultancy & implementation

Strategic consultancy & implementation

  • Holistic (integrated) communication strategies, action plans and implementation
  • Project and location communications
  • Positioning concepts
  • Target customer strategy & acquisition
  • Workshops

Brand management & project consultancy

Brand management & project consultancy

  • Target group, competition and market analyses
  • Definition of USPs
  • Strategic positioning
  • Finding key themes and messages
  • Naming and claiming
  • Logo and trademark design
  • Brand system development
  • Corporate design
  • Corporate behaviour
  • Corporate language

Public relations & content marketing

Public relations & content marketing

  • Press relations strategies
  • Strategy implementation (press releases, press trips, press conferences, etc.)
  • Crisis PR (prevention and remediation)
  • Strategy workshops
  • One-on-one PR coaching
  • Social media concepts and implementation

Media planning & media strategy

Media planning & media strategy

  • Target group analysis
  • Print & online media strategies
  • Media implementation & media handling
  • Reporting
  • Targeting & performance campaigns



  • Event planning & design (customer events, industry events, press conferences, construction project events, etc.)
  • Event management & event communication
  • Event consultancy

Graphic design

Graphic design

  • Web design
  • Marketing brochures, property profiles/sales particulars, brand books for development projects
  • Site information material, for example construction project signs, site fencing, safety netting
  • Marketing floor plans
  • Printed material
  • Infographics

Image videos

Image videos

  • Promotional videos
  • Event videos



  • Property websites, microsites, one-pagers, blogs, etc.
  • Corporate websites for property companies
  • CMS implementation
  • Concept, design and development
  • Programming for individual functions
  • Integration of interfaces such as estate agent software

Industry events

Welcome to the real world.

Events are an opportunity for direct contact with the people you want to reach. Our industry-specific focus enables us to create such opportunities for the industry as a whole.

Why not draw on our years of expertise and experience for your event.

Der Immobilienaward Cäsar wird von den Branchenvereinen FIABCI, immQu, ÖVI, RICS, Salon Real und dem Fachverband der Immobilien- und Vermögenstreuhänder der WKO verliehen. Er wird stets für herausragende Leistungen in der österreichischen Immobilienwirtschaft für das vergangene Jahr vergeben. Der Preis wird ausschließlich an natürliche Personen verliehen. Gewinnen kann jeder der direkt oder indirekt in der Immobilienwirtschaft tätig ist, ganz gleich, ob als GeschäftsführerIn, ProjektleiterIn, DienstleisterIn, VerkäuferIn, PlanerIn oder MaklerIn. Die Kür der Cäsaren findet jedes Jahr im September im Schlosstheater Schönbrunn stattfinden. Erst an diesem Abend wird enthüllt, wer die PreisträgerInnen sind.
The Cäsars are now seen as an industry seal of quality. Since Reinhard Einwaller (epmedia) launched the award in 2006, around 97 Cäsars have been presented.
The Cäsars are now seen as an industry seal of quality. Since Reinhard Einwaller (epmedia) launched the award in 2006, around 97 Cäsars have been presented.
The award recognises outstanding achievements in the preceding year by Austrians who are directly or indirectly involved in the property industry.
The award recognises outstanding achievements in the preceding year by Austrians who are directly or indirectly involved in the property industry.
Over a period of eight weeks (March to May), figures from the Austrian property sector can put themselves forward for one of the eight Cäsar property awards categories.
Over a period of eight weeks (March to May), figures from the Austrian property sector can put themselves forward for one of the eight Cäsar property awards categories.
The categories are: Developers, Property Administrators, Estate Agents, Small Diamond, Property Service Providers, Property Portfolio Managers, Cäsar International and Lifetime Achievement.
The categories are: Developers, Property Administrators, Estate Agents, Small Diamond, Property Service Providers, Property Portfolio Managers, Cäsar International and Lifetime Achievement.
Die recomm versteht sich bereits seit 2012 als visionäres und exklusives Forum, Ideenwerkstatt und Think Tank: Sie liefert jedes Jahr Denkanstöße und Impulse für bis zu 250 Top-Player der internationalen Immobilienwirtschaft. Sie ist ein Marktplatz für Visionen und neue Perspektiven. Der Think Tank beschäftigt sich mit Themenbereichen wie aktueller Politik, Wirtschaft, Finanzen, Philosophie, Religion, Kunst, Wissenschaft, Erneuerbare Energien, Globalisierung, Mobiliät, uvm. All dies ist aus dem Wirtschaftszweig „Immobilie“ nicht mehr wegzudenken und beeinflusst unser tägliches Handeln. Das einzigartige Konzept der recomm soll den sozialen, beruflichen und persönlichen Horizont der Teilnehmer erweitern. Die recomm gibt den Top-Playern der Immobilienwirtschaft die Möglichkeit zu Impulsen für ein „Out-of-the-Box“-Denken.
re.comm is an exclusive and visionary forum, think tank and powerhouse of ideas that has been running since 2012. Every year, it offers inspiration and suggestions for up to 220 top players in the international property sector. re.comm was created by Reinhard Einwaller and is run by epmedia Werbeagentur GmbH
re.comm is an exclusive and visionary forum, think tank and powerhouse of ideas that has been running since 2012. Every year, it offers inspiration and suggestions for up to 220 top players in the international property sector. re.comm was created by Reinhard Einwaller and is run by epmedia Werbeagentur GmbH
re.comm is a marketplace for visions and new perspectives. The think tank explores issues such as current policy, the economy, finance, philosophy, religion, art, science, renewable energy, globalisation, mobility and much more. All these aspects are now an integral part of the property segment and affect how we work each day.
re.comm is a marketplace for visions and new perspectives. The think tank explores issues such as current policy, the economy, finance, philosophy, religion, art, science, renewable energy, globalisation, mobility and much more. All these aspects are now an integral part of the property segment and affect how we work each day.
The unique re.comm concept is designed to broaden participants' social, professional and personal horizons. re.comm gives top players in the property industry a source of inspiration for thinking outside the box.
The unique re.comm concept is designed to broaden participants' social, professional and personal horizons. re.comm gives top players in the property industry a source of inspiration for thinking outside the box.
We are living in complicated times – and not just in economic terms. Politics, the environment and modern technology are constantly posing new challenges for society, particularly for those in positions of responsibility. That is why re.comm brings together decision-makers from the property sector in Kitzbühel to discover new inspirations, ideas and approaches. Leading keynote speakers from a wide range of disciplines offer new insights, and highlight the need for action.
We are living in complicated times – and not just in economic terms. Politics, the environment and modern technology are constantly posing new challenges for society, particularly for those in positions of responsibility. That is why re.comm brings together decision-makers from the property sector in Kitzbühel to discover new inspirations, ideas and approaches. Leading keynote speakers from a wide range of disciplines offer new insights, and highlight the need for action.
Der eintägige Innovationskongress IMMO FutureLab ist das jüngste Projekt der epmedia. Ziel ist es, zukunftsorientiertes Denken in der Immobilienbranche zu fördern, neue und aktuelle Themen aufzugreifen und ein Forum zum Austausch zu bieten. Es erwartet Sie eine einzigartige Mischung aus interessanten Vorträgen, Innovation durch Inputs von beispielhaften Startups als auch lösungsorientiertes Arbeiten in der Creative Thinking Session für die gemeinsame Entwicklung neuer Ideen.
The rapid progress of digitisation is increasingly blurring the lines between
The rapid progress of digitisation is increasingly blurring the lines between "living" and "working". New jobs require flexibility and connectivity; new styles of housing are appearing on the market; new demands from younger generations are increasingly shaping the construction of the future. In short: the traditional division of the property market into just a few large asset classes is set to change in future, with a whole range of hybrids forms appearing.
The aim of this innovation conference is to promote forward-thinking in the property industry and to offer a forum for exchange. This year, there will interactive talks from experts who will be inviting you to join the discussion and exploring new ideas and approaches surrounding
The aim of this innovation conference is to promote forward-thinking in the property industry and to offer a forum for exchange. This year, there will interactive talks from experts who will be inviting you to join the discussion and exploring new ideas and approaches surrounding "The Future of Property".
Fotocredit: Jana Madzigon / epmedia
Fotocredit: Jana Madzigon / epmedia
Fotocredit: Jana Madzigon / epmedia
Fotocredit: Jana Madzigon / epmedia
Die heimische und auch internationale Immobilienbranche trifft sich alljährlich auf dem Tanzparkett, um abseits vom täglichen Geschäft Kontakte zu knüpfen, Bekanntschaften zu pflegen, sich über Insidertalks auf dem Laufenden zu halten und vor allem eines: um sich zu amüsieren! Jedes Jahr unterstützt die epmedia ein Charity-Projekt mit Immobilienbezug, das eine Spende aus dem jährlichen Gesamterlös der Ballkarten erhält.
The Hofburg in Vienna is one of the city’s most exclusive locations, and is the traditional venue for the Immobilienball property industry ball. The sophisticated ambience of the Hofburg underlines the exclusive nature of the event and is the ideal backdrop for the guests from the world of politics and business who attend the ball every year.
The Hofburg in Vienna is one of the city’s most exclusive locations, and is the traditional venue for the Immobilienball property industry ball. The sophisticated ambience of the Hofburg underlines the exclusive nature of the event and is the ideal backdrop for the guests from the world of politics and business who attend the ball every year.
Every year, the leading lights of the Austrian and international property industry meet on the dance floor. This is chance for them to network away from everyday business, engage with contacts, find out the latest insider information and above all: to enjoy themselves.
Every year, the leading lights of the Austrian and international property industry meet on the dance floor. This is chance for them to network away from everyday business, engage with contacts, find out the latest insider information and above all: to enjoy themselves.
Property industry figures are not the only people to take the floor each year in the state rooms of the former imperial winter residence. The Hofburg is the setting for many of the grandest and most important balls in Austria, welcoming guests with elegance and style. Dance enthusiasts, barflies and men-about-town can all find the perfect place to indulge in their favourite pastimes in the venue's many different rooms.
Property industry figures are not the only people to take the floor each year in the state rooms of the former imperial winter residence. The Hofburg is the setting for many of the grandest and most important balls in Austria, welcoming guests with elegance and style. Dance enthusiasts, barflies and men-about-town can all find the perfect place to indulge in their favourite pastimes in the venue's many different rooms.
This year once again, we want to come together as an industry to support a good cause. As is the case every year, a property-related charity project has been chosen for the 16th Immobilienball, and all money raised through the donation cards will go to the selected cause.
This year once again, we want to come together as an industry to support a good cause. As is the case every year, a property-related charity project has been chosen for the 16th Immobilienball, and all money raised through the donation cards will go to the selected cause.


The right network is the key to success.

epmedia is the largest communications firm in the property sector and, together with IMV Medien Verlag publishing, covers a wide range of segments in-house: print, online and video. With a joint website for all partner media, our agency is increasingly becoming an information hub for the industry.

Das Immobilien Magazin ist seit mehr als 25 Jahren das führende Branchenmedium der Immobilienwirtschaft und vernetzt mit thematisch ausgewogenen journalistischen Inhalten sämtliche Akteure aus der Immobilienwirtschaft und gilt als das Sprachrohr der Branche. Mit einer Auflage von rund 13.000 Exemplaren geht das Immobilien Magazin an Immobilienmakler, Hausverwalter, Bauträger, Entwickler, Planer, Architekten, Investoren, Banken, Facility Manager und alle anderen Beteiligten rund um die Wertschöpfungskette der Immobilienwirtschaft.
Immobilien Magazin has been the leading sector publication for more than 25 years. With a circulation of 13,000, it is read by estate agents, builders, managers & facility managers, developers & architects, financiers, banks, foundations & funds, and lawyers and notaries. Apart from the ten issues published each year, the magazine is also represented at key industry events in Austria and at the largest international trade fairs in Europe, including the Wiener Immobilien Messe WIM property fair, the EXPO Real in Munich, and the MIPIM and MAPIC in Cannes. Immobilien Magazin reports on projects, people and trends in the sector and is an indispensable source of information and a fundamental professional tool for the industry.
Immobilien Magazin has been the leading sector publication for more than 25 years. With a circulation of 13,000, it is read by estate agents, builders, managers & facility managers, developers & architects, financiers, banks, foundations & funds, and lawyers and notaries. Apart from the ten issues published each year, the magazine is also represented at key industry events in Austria and at the largest international trade fairs in Europe, including the Wiener Immobilien Messe WIM property fair, the EXPO Real in Munich, and the MIPIM and MAPIC in Cannes. Immobilien Magazin reports on projects, people and trends in the sector and is an indispensable source of information and a fundamental professional tool for the industry.
Der immoflash ist die tägliche  Nachrichtenquelle für die Immobilienwirtschaft und liefert von Montag bis Donnerstag schnell, einfach und exklusiv die wichtigsten News aus der Immobilienwelt. Als unverzichtbares Arbeitstool weist der immoflash mehr als 9.000 Abonnenten auf, die sich in Immobilienmakler, Bauträger, Entwickler, Hausverwalter, Facility Manager, Architekten, Investoren und allen anderen Akteuren innerhalb der Immobilienwirtschaft aufteilen.
immoflash has been the daily companion of all property professionals for 10 years now. On PC, tablet or smartphone, the free online daily newspaper gives 9000 readers all key industry news at a glance, daily from Monday to Thursday. This makes immoflash the key source of information for anyone and everyone who needs to know what's happened, is happening or is about to happen. <br><br>

Subscribe to immoflash now for free at www.immoflash.at to get the very latest industry news 4 times a week.
immoflash has been the daily companion of all property professionals for 10 years now. On PC, tablet or smartphone, the free online daily newspaper gives 9000 readers all key industry news at a glance, daily from Monday to Thursday. This makes immoflash the key source of information for anyone and everyone who needs to know what's happened, is happening or is about to happen.

Subscribe to immoflash now for free at www.immoflash.at to get the very latest industry news 4 times a week.
Nachrichten aus– und für die Immobilienbranche: Die IMMO7 NEWS versorgen den Zuseher jeden Monat an jedem Freitag mit informativen, erfrischenden und kurzweiligen Nachrichten aus der Immobilienwelt. Die Sendung ist ein Newsletter in Form eines Nachrichtenjournals. Das aktuelle Immobiliengeschehen wird in kurzen und exklusiven Videobeiträgen zusammengefasst.
News from and for the property industry: IMMO7NEWS gives viewers an informative, refreshing and entertaining news from the world of property every Friday. IMMO7NEWS is a newsletter in the form of a TV news magazine that summarizes the latest property news in short and exclusive video reports. The programme ends with a brief review of the week and the much-loved
News from and for the property industry: IMMO7NEWS gives viewers an informative, refreshing and entertaining news from the world of property every Friday. IMMO7NEWS is a newsletter in the form of a TV news magazine that summarizes the latest property news in short and exclusive video reports. The programme ends with a brief review of the week and the much-loved "Rodler's Immovlog". Editor-in-chief Gerhard Rodler and Verena Leitner present the entire show almost live from our studio.
Building Times ist die mediale Plattform für nachhaltiges Bauen, integrierte Planung, Gebäudetechnik und Facility Management. Im Mittelpunkt des Print-Magazins und der dazugehörigen digitalen Angebote steht die gesamte Technik, die Gebäude komfortabel, sicher, energieeffizient und wirtschaftlich betreibbar macht.
Building Times is a platform for building services, integrated planning, sustainable construction and facility management. Our readership includes architects, engineers, specialised planners, property developers, builders, representatives of public authorities and, of course, leading figures from the electrical engineering and heating, air-conditioning, ventilation and sanitation sectors. We analyse and comment on innovations and processes for integrated planning, sustainable construction, building services and facility management, and monitor the markets and their key players. The magazine is published ten times a year and has around 12,000 subscribers. In addition to the traditional print edition, there is an online platform updated daily, a newsletter and videos.
Building Times is a platform for building services, integrated planning, sustainable construction and facility management. Our readership includes architects, engineers, specialised planners, property developers, builders, representatives of public authorities and, of course, leading figures from the electrical engineering and heating, air-conditioning, ventilation and sanitation sectors. We analyse and comment on innovations and processes for integrated planning, sustainable construction, building services and facility management, and monitor the markets and their key players. The magazine is published ten times a year and has around 12,000 subscribers. In addition to the traditional print edition, there is an online platform updated daily, a newsletter and videos.
Immojobs is the job portal for the Austrian property industry. Job seekers will find new challenges and career opportunities here – exclusively in the property sector. In other words, immojobs is a rapid and targeted tool for finding property specialists for your company. Through our partnership with iz-jobs.de, we cover a large section of the German-speaking market. We can also help you to produce and design your advertisement.
Immojobs is the job portal for the Austrian property industry. Job seekers will find new challenges and career opportunities here – exclusively in the property sector. In other words, immojobs is a rapid and targeted tool for finding property specialists for your company. Through our partnership with iz-jobs.de, we cover a large section of the German-speaking market. We can also help you to produce and design your advertisement.


Creative minds for perfect solutions.

Our dedicated team offers excellent service and expert advice. Our drive is passion, and our goal the future.
Customer satisfaction is our top priority – and with efficient concepts, tailored development and professional implementation, we can establish the perfect market presence.

Reinhard Einwaller

Reinhard launched the company in 1982 as a small advertising agency. From the outset, two passions fuelled the firm's development: a passion for business and a passion for property. These passions have driven not just highly successful projects such as the Cäsar Immobilienpreis property awards, the industry ball and re.comm (Real Estate Leaders' Summit), but also the successful integration and development of Immobilienmagazin Verlag publishing. Since handing over operational management to his daughter Iris, he has had more time for his (third) passion: golf.

+43 1 512 16 16 - 0

Managing Director
Iris Einwaller

Iris has been a member of the management team at her family's business since 2014. The corporate communications specialist first joined epmedia in 2007. Following a Bachelor degree at FH Wien der WKW university of applied sciences and a Masters at Danube University Krems, and professional roles in marketing, PR and political communication, in August 2014 she became managing partner for the agency and the publishing house. Furthermore, she is also responsible for events such as re.comm, the Cäsar, and the Immobilienball and for HR. Alongside communication, she is also still passionate about politics, and works in a number of unpaid political positions.

+43 1 512 16 16 - 53

Gerhard Rodler

His many years of experience in journalism and marketing and, above all, his networking in the real estate industry make Gerhard an eternally bubbling - those who know him know how to understand this - fountain of knowledge. As editor-in-chief of immoflash and Immobilien Magazin, Gerhard provides his readership with both daily and monthly news and background information.

Agency Head
Maximilian Goll

Maximilian Goll took over the agency head in October 2021. He is considered as a marketing expert and communication professional. For 22 years he has been successfully accompanying brand positioning, strategies and holistic campaigns in various agencies. The digital area is one of his passion. Together with a highly professional team, Max contributes to epmedia’s economic success.

Publishing manager
Georg Panholzer

Since 1998 Georg is really working hard in the media industry, therefore he is a professional with in-depth experience in this sector. Originally Georg started off in the hotel industry and in the year 1990 he was back again in Austria. With 17 years of experience at “Die Presse” and 6 more years in publishing, he is absolutely the right person for the position of the Publishing Director. In his private life, Georg is a passionate cook and a passionate golf player.

+43 1 25 254-10

Executive Assistant
Luca Augustin

Luca has been with the company since the beginning of 2023 and supports the management in all matters. Until now, he has mainly worked in the food industry, but now wants to change his focus to the real estate industry and therefore joined epmedia. He likes to spend his free time in nature and at the tennis court when he is not pursuing his culinary needs.

Verena Heidecker

Verena joined the epmedia marketing team in July 2022. She sees herself as an all-rounder in the advertising industry. With her background as a graphic and information designer, as well as her current master's degree in PR and communication management, she combines all disciplines in communication and advises her clients competently. In her free time, Verena likes to bake and is writing a non-fiction book for children.

Wolfgang Wendy

As a public relations expert, Wolfgang looks back on more than 30 years of experience in the communications business. Before joining epmedia 2023, he worked as editor-in-chief of an Austrian marketing weekly and in several PR agencies. A major focus in his work was the support of clients from the real estate and high tech sectors. In his free time, he enjoys listening to music - from hard rock to jazz to classical, if it's good.

Andrea Pfeiffer

Andrea is the head of media service and, together with Kathrin and Vanessa, is responsible among other things for the placement of small ads and large-scale ads. She has been helping epmedia customers since 2005, when she graduated from commercial school with her HAK Matura certificate. From 2007 to 2009, she then studied marketing and sales at the WU executive academy while working. In winter, Andrea heads to the mountains when she can for skiing or snowboarding. She also loves concerts and city breaks.

+43 1 512 16 16 - 11

Kathrin Kainz

Kathrin has been part of epmedia's Media Service Team since 2007 and, together with Andrea and Vanessa, assists customers with small ads and large-scale ads. She returned from maternity leave in September 2019. She is a loving mother and enjoys spending her free time with her son enjoying the outdoors.

+43 1 512 16 16 - 10

Event & HR
Petra Happel

Petra has worked at epmedia since 1997. As an event manager and HR manager, she combines her enthusiasm for organisation and with her love of working with people. She is always ready to listen to concerns and requests, and this makes her a key contact person for the entire team above and beyond her role as HR manager. Outside the office, Petra likes to travel and enjoys diving and the peace and stillness underwater, and relaxing with a gripping book.

+43 1 512 16 16 - 54

Leonie Weißmann

Besides her double studies in International Business Administration and Marketing&Sales Leonie supports the epmedia team since November 2022 and assists Marie as Event Marketing Assistant. Besides marketing, she is passionate about architecture, fashion and especially travel.

Graphic Designer
Nils Heissenberger

Nils joined the epmedia team in May 2021. After graduating from the graphic business school, he initially worked as a graphic designer for various agencies, musicians and start-ups. In his free time he plays soccer at his home club or keep himself with his self-made guitars. He supports Alex, Conny and Nina with the design of the magazines and with various agendas that affect the agency as well.

+43 1 512 16 16-41

Office Allrounder
Armin Reif

Since August 2022, Armin has been supporting epmedia with numerous activities. When he is not assisting Petra Happel, he can be found everywhere in the building. Armin is currently studying Japanese Studies at the University of Vienna and would like to specialize in East Asia in his Master's degree.

Editorial Staff
Stefan Posch

Stefan has been part of the editorial team since August 2016 and managing editor for Immobilien Magazin since early 2018. Prior to that, he worked as Austria correspondent for the state-owned Chinese news agency Xinhua and as a freelance editor in the business department at Austria Presse Agentur (APA). He also wrote for the daily newspaper "Die Presse" while studying journalism and media management in Vienna. Stefan believes property is important to us all, and touches many different interests and indeed emotions. Stefan was born into a family of musicians, and started learning the violin and piano at a young age. Today, violin playing is a hobby.

+43 1 252 54-412

Editorial Staff
Franz Artner

Franz has been working as an editor-in-chief in construction, energy and property journalism for more than two decades. He previously studied journalism and political science at the University of Vienna. Before joining us, he spent eight years at the helm of the magazine a3 Building Technologies Solutions, which focuses on building services, integrated planning and construction. The concept for this trade magazine was modernised and expanded, and the title is now known as the "Building Times". Franz is a native of Upper Austria and is a long-standing industry expert with an excellent network of contacts. On his days off, he likes to cycle, and also work on his house and garden in the Waldviertel region.

+43 1 512 16 16-45

Elisabeth Fürst

Elisabeth returned to Immobilien Magazin in 2022 as a specialist journalist. She produces the daily Immoflash as well as speaks on the Morgenjournal podcast and writes for Immobilien Magazin. Since January 2023, she has also been responsible for the smooth running of the editorial department as chief of staff.

Anja Gaugl

Anja joined the editorial team of Building Times in January 2022. A native of Styria, she has lived in Vienna since 2004. During and after her studies in journalism and communication sciences at the University of Vienna, she gained editorial experience in the print sector, later also as a press officer. In her free time, she enjoys spending time with family and friends and regularly returns to the green Mark to do so.

+43 699 120 27 888

Editorial Staff
Anna Reiterer

Anna has been part of the Building Times editorial team since February 2020. She grew up in beautiful Lower Austria in the shadow of the Hohe Wand mountains, and has lived in Vienna since 2013. Anna gained professional experience in theatre, radio and TV while studying for a degree in theatre, film and media studies at the University of Vienna. Alongside her editorial work at Building Times, she likes spending time with family and friends. She also regularly heads to the hot springs in Styria as the perfect place to relax and escape the hustle and bustle of the city.

+43 1 512 16 16 - 46

Barbara Sieber

Barbara originally worked in marketing and communication/advertising before moving into sales in 2008, initially in online advertising at Microsoft. She has been a media consultant for Immobilien Magazin, immoflash and a whole range of other media from our publishing house since October 2014. Barbara is fascinated by the property sector. She advises our customers with skill, transparency and enthusiasm, and is always particularly pleased when we manage to establish strong long-term customer partnerships and create win-win situations. In her leisure time, she spends most weekends at one of her favourite spots: her cabin at Lake Neusiedl. She is an enthusiastic amateur sailor.

+43 1 252 54-30

Ingeborg Zauner

Ingeborg has been firmly established in the magazine business for over 30 years. She first joined Immobilien Magazin after 13 years at Mucha Verlag publishing. It was with us – as she herself likes to say – that she truly got to know the sector. In late 2014, she returned to her roots, and brought much valuable (industry) experience with her.

+43 1 252 54-480


We look forward to hearing from you.

epmedia Werbeagentur GmbH

Wienerbergstrasse 11/Turm B, 21. OG,

A-1100 Wien, Österreich

+43/1/512 1616-0

+43/1/512 1616-77
